Today is the birthday of my former lady friend Hiltje in my old country. We parted in October 2003, phoned after that painful good bye, but never met again. That event was the more difficult, as we had enjoyed each other’s company for about four years, sharing many activities. Yet Hiltje’s roots and ties were with the Netherlands and family, while the same was and is true for me, mutatum mutandis.
Such mixed experiences are hard to place, yet they are rich in instructive value, while running counter to expectations about how things should be.
An experience then, one of growth, joy, love and friendship, but of a limited time, yet enriching never the less. Such mixed experiences are hard to place, yet they are rich in instructive value, while running counter to expectations about how things should be. It is in the latter that their value lies as experience. There is value present, also in the unwished for life experience, often difficult to assimilate.
Yesterday was a quiet day with a short walk for milk and a paper after completing my daily entry. I made some plans for the rest of the week, making use of the nice weather. A coffee with my former spouse, lunches with friends and a coffee too yet.