, Thursday. Sun and clouds share the sky, temps cool.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Savings and thoughtful lunch:


~~Laundry and saving calculations, reporting an a contemplative birthday lunch and my essay started.~~

The first laundry load is due at ten am, with two more to go. I could have made it just two all told, but crowded loads wear on the fabrics. Hence I chose the three load option, the more so since the use of the laundry machines is free of charge.

It used to cost me about five dollars per load and that for three loads every three weeks adds up to 15*17= 255 $$ per year! If I combine that with the monthly 35$$ that I now save on parking, then I save 675$$ per year, which is a bit more than two thirds of my monthly rent! This in turn taken over say three years would pay for airfare to Holland for a family visit.

Yesterday Jack and I had a pleasant and lasting lunch at Mission Joyce in the sun with beer in hand! Jack wanted to know what had stood out for me over this past year of becoming eighty and I asked him the same in return. I noted that I experience a reduction in what I am able to do bodily. And that faith wise I have come to the points of proclaiming my message, not waiting or looking for one more improved formulation.

After all, there have been many promising teachings that became trouble some or misleading. I sought after a general applicability, …

Interestingly, Jack also asked whether I was held back by fear. This I do experience at times, but am now at the point of saying “come what may, I’ll make my say”, to coin a new expression. My reluctance over the years was based on how ‘true’, relevant or valuable such a teaching of mine would be. After all, there have been many promising teachings that became trouble some or misleading. I sought after a general applicability, which I now have obtained as complete as that is possible in one life time. So, the time of formulation, expression and proclamation is here in the now.

You can appreciate that we had a long lunch, considering these types of soul searching explorations, but that is what Jack and I do. It is a source of wonderment to his spouse Vangie, but accepted in good spirit.

The visit with my former spouse did not come about, so I spent some time reading after my snooze. In the evening I wrote my first page called ‘opening’ for the essay titled “My Life Religiously”, making a beginning with that proclamation mentioned above.
Time for the next laundry load! And now afterwards plus coffee break 10:26am>

Writings: Essay considerations:


~~I trace my various ideas of writing this personal quest essay, arriving at my present choice.~~

A word on the essay "My Life Religiously” that I started yesterday. For the last two years I mulled over the idea of such an essay. I was going to use the exposition essay style to explain the concepts I had discovered over the years. One such concept is the idea of concept space, which I developed from what I learned in my first year at University about linear algebra, text: “” from BC.

The plan was to intersperse the exposition type writing with side bars that would relate my personal experiences such as dreams, memories and other biographical information. However, I could never get started with that approach, it just would not flow, even though I intuited that the trace of personal development over time would make a good narrative thread.

… the notion emerged that I should start with my life story as narrative and then add my more theoretical insights as sidebars.

It is in the last few days, as I started combining my interpretation of the two reported dreams with this mentioned stalemate, that the notion emerged that I should start with my life story as narrative and then add my more theoretical insights as sidebars.

This is the approach I am now making with this ‘opening’ as I have called it. Interesting too is that the title for this essay also came up quite spontaneously, feeling just right. So, here I am and here I go!
Time for the next load!
<10:45am and back at 11:07am>

I’m even playing with the railroad terms of mainline, siding and spur line!

One more consideration to add regarding my essay style choice is this. I realised that not many people would continue reading an essay that was abstract in its main theme. So, in order to keep the potential reader engaged, I knew I’d have to use the device of the personal narrative as the dominant writing style. I could than add the more abstract type consideration on the side. I’m even playing with the railroad terms of mainline, siding and spur line! Since my essay has the theme of a life story, the use of journey via rail is quite appealing.
Time for lunch.
<11:14am and now 5:14pm edited.~

Daily Entry: 2016-09-15

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