This second last day of summer is in cahoots with the fall or just letting us know what we have behind us, even though that was not all that much warmth. However, we did have some and that I will remember.
Cahoot comes from the French ‘cahut’, which means hut as it does in Dutch and German ‘hutte’. For the weather to be in the same hut at this time of the seasons is quite appropriate, I would say!
For the weather to be in the same hut at this time of the seasons is quite appropriate, I would say!
Yesterday I cleaned out the small pamphlet holder on my kitchen table, because its over load threatened to make it fall onto my breakfast! The cleanup makes it look more spacious and friendly too.
Today the bills are due and so is some general cleaning around; what ever it is that catches my eye! And later towards supper time, Elisabeth will come over to show me how to make her newly discovered soup.