, Monday. Bright and cool, with scattered clouds.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Activities past and coming:


~~Saturday coffee with family, while on Sunday I join my Palliser friends, explore publishing and printing services, study forgotten ‘FieldNotes’. Here and now, I enumerate this coming week’s activities. ~~

This is going to be a busy week. Laundry already going now, groceries tomorrow, Juliet visit on Wednesday, lunch on Thursday, Alexandra and Rene on Friday and all that with the Thanksgiving weekend coming up too! I may not be afraid of Virginia Wolf, but this week looks loaded for bear! We’ll see, ‘no soup is eaten as hot as it is served‘, says a Dutch saying from my youth!

Last Friday I wrote at the Alexandra Writing Centre and had coffee with Elisabeth afterwards, who dropped me off at St. Mary’s on her way home. On Saturday John came down for coffee with Annie and her friend Brooks. Annie’s birthday is coming up soon and she sent me wish item by email, which is not quite clear.

On Sunday I joined my friends at the Palliser Hotel, where Herman spoke on the most important New Thought thinkers

On Sunday I joined my friends at the Palliser Hotel, where Herman spoke on the most important New Thought thinkers. And he had included himself at my urgings to do so, but calling that a request! Herman is much “given too” in his style of living I have noted over the years. Guidance he call it often and you could call it that, although I do not. I go with initiative and follow up, supplemented with intuition. That works best for me, I like to be in charge:-)!

Over the weekend I explored Alberta publishers and printing houses. There are quite a few around, but they are all unknown to me. Where to start with a new initiative of getting some of my essays and writings published? That has become an item of interest for me in the last little while. Maybe I can make some contacts at the upcoming Wordfest and the Alex Centre.

Last night I rearranged some decorative items in my living space. While so engaged, then done and sitting down my attention was caught by the three ‘FieldNote’ booklets, a 2014 Christmas gift from John and family. I wrote in them for some time until about February 2015.

Scanning those entries give me an idea as to how to proceed with my writings, that is I discovered a method of approach in those notes. I’ll kick it around for a bit, before elaborating more on this.
Time for a load change; 10:29am and coffee time at eleven.

Daily Entry: 2016-10-03

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