No ‘Free Fall’ writing at Alexandra today. I am starting to realise that close to all writing there is fiction, with some personal experience thrown in at times. My writing is quite different, but that fiction style may still benefit me, so I’ll sit on it for a bit.
I may buy 'Fifty Objects' by Urquhart, because it celebrates Canada’s 150 Anniversary of next year …
Last nite John and I took in the wordfest venue “Curiosity Showcase” with five authors talking about their work. Jane Urquhart was the most well known, but Peter Wohlleben - a dendrologist from Germany - was the most fascinating. I may buy “Fifty Objects” by Urquhart, because it celebrates Canada’s 150 Anniversary of next year and she writes non-fiction here in a manner from which I could learn something.
The show was sold out, it was my present to John for his birthday. Afterwards, John treated us to a beer at St. James on First & Thirteenth. We always have a good connect at these events over the years, celebrating our Son Father connection.
Today is Annie’s birthday and I will be joining John, Tammy and Annie along with the Cook’s for supper later on today. I hope that my selection of presents will ‘fall in good earth’ as we say in Holland. It consists of fun tweezers, green lipstick, a fantasy pencil and a fancy school agenda cum diary, complete with the “12” Birthday card.It consists of fun tweezers, green lipstick, a fantasy pencil and a fancy school agenda cum diary, complete with the “12” Birthday card.
The fancy agenda is meant as encouragement for Annie to record some aspects of her life as she now has entered her teens. John said that she has done some diary writing in the past, but I know from my sisters’ youth, that ’poetic’ inspirations come and go. They would circulate ‘Poem Albums’ among friends in school, making and sharing poetic sentiment on paper, while illuminating them with stickers of various kind.