My last preceding entry was for the 14th of this month, except for a stray entry on my Asus tablet computer. That one relates to the idea chart I made on the seventeenth (17th) titled “A Belief for Humanity”. This idea chart I now have come to understand as an instance of ‘Concept Space’, but this is a notion that only gelled since the make date of the 17th.
Since the making of this chart, I have been occupied with this idea of a belief for humankind, but in the sense of finding a motivation for it. A motivation that I needed to find for myself as an emotional and value position from which to further develop this belief and proclaim it. The idea itself and the need for such a belief seemed quite clear to me, but I needed a motivating position from which to project and bring my conviction.
Earlier on I had chosen the idea of an expository essay and even made a start with that, which stalled. I needed a motivating conviction as a standpoint from which to make my ‘promulgations’, or deliver my message. It had to have a value enhancement for today’s listener. Something that was to help create a meaningful perspective for a person in daily life, something not just interesting, but motivating as well and add some understanding.
For example: ‘Work from Love and with Compassion while composing your presentation’.
This position I finally discovered - uncovered would be better - after much agonising, meditating and ‘inner work’ as the Jungian analyst James Hillman called that. My discovery was that love and compassion had to be my point of departure and guiding principle in my formulating this belief. I ‘smithied’ that into ‘… from Love and with Compassion …’ as an affirmation and pointer to the purpose of my further work on the formulation of this belief project. The leading ellipses indicate room for words like act, speak and live, whereas the trailing ones stand for a chosen purpose or situation.
For example: ‘Work from Love and with Compassion while composing your presentation’. This in contrast to working from an attitude of wanting to impress or be profound. This counter example brings in the word ‘attitude’ and that is exactly what I was trying to find for my self, that is an attitude from which to work out that ‘A Belief for Humanity’ concept with which I was grappling.
This concludes my entry for today for diary as well as writings, with my excuses to Luther for not paying more attention to his propositions from 1517, which mark the beginning of the Protestant revolution.