, Monday. Light cloud cover with sun and -16dC and windless and St. Nikolaas day!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Nikolaas and much sorting:


~~Sint Nikolaas celebration recalled, sorting activities take priority.~~

The laundry is going, while I am typing. Today we have the season’s first real cold spell, lasting for the rest of the week! No complaints in this department, as November has been not just mild, but pleasant even from what I can recall for Calgary since 1973!

In The Netherlands it is Sint Nikolaas eve-day, which is always celebrated in the evening of the 6th, the official date. Parcels galore for the kids and surprises for the adults along with the presents. A light hearted affair all around, without all the emotions that come along with Christmas.

Sint Nikolass is a light hearted affair all around, without all the emotions that come along with Christmas.

I’ve been absent from the daily entry scene so to speak on account of an overwhelming drive to sort through my various and numerous collections. These hold old notes from Herman’s courses, printouts of web news shared with Herman, of my own writings and those of my web design, along with keep sake articles and magazines. I even skipped Friday’s Alexandra ‘Free Fall’ writing, which I like to go to.

This week I have a dental appointment for tomorrow with Ken, my visit with Juliet the day after, lunch with Herman on Thursday and coffee with Shirley on Friday. All these in this cold week too yet! The laundry is due in about ten minutes, which gives me time to call for tickets. Tickets purchased for the sing along at Arts Commons Hall and the last load in the washer due at 10:10am in twenty minutes. And not to forget the included coffee break!

Writings: Unusual Sunday:


~~I skip Herman’s Palliser talk on account of a new insight and a ‘warm head’ spell.~~

Yesterday I stayed home from ‘The Palliser’ because of a warm-head experience, which made me dizzy and wobbly. So, I just laid down after this spell and spent the rest of the day inside, relaxing. Doing so, I also contemplated the insight I had experienced just before this ‘warm-head’ spell, while having my morning coffee.

I was thinking about my ‘formulating a frame work’, when the idea of ‘reconciling religions’ emerged right then. This resulted in my combining the two into ‘Formulating a Framework for the Reconciliation of Religions’. This made eminent sense to me since the second part ‘reconciliation of religions’ gave it purpose, commitment and a message. This insight moved me from my earlier stationary ‘Framework of Belief’ to the dynamics of writing for the purpose of reconciliation of beliefs or religions.
[Time to change loads; all done and later at 11:10am.]

The idea of ‘for reconciliation of religions’ brought the focus that had been missing in my numerous earlier attempts at formulating such a ‘belief framework’.

The idea of ‘for reconciliation of religions’ brought the focus that had been missing in my numerous earlier attempts at formulating such a ‘belief framework’. Those remained in the hangar of interesting intellectual ideas, but none of these attempts had the energy about them to ‘take off’!

I feel that this time I have that commitment for a purpose that I recall having when writing my essay cum topical “Jesus the Man” in 2009-07-05. See Topicals on my website Purpose and clarity are needed to bring interesting but isolated ideas into a dynamic focus. Now I still have to do this and see where it will take me, but a kind of ‘now or never’ mood has become prevalent. This will have to be it!

Daily Entry: 2016-12-05

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