, Wednesday. Clear with sun and warmer at minus 10dC.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Writhings for writings maybe:


~~I recall using writhing where writing should be and my spouse’s relating interpretation.~~

Moving right on to ‘Writings’ below.

Ina, my wife still back then said this could be the intention! That I dismissed out of hand back then, but I’ve come to realise that she had a point.

As an aside: when I wrote with pen and paper back in 1990 say I would at time write ‘writhings’ where I meant to write ‘writing’. Ina, my wife still back then said this could be the intention! That I dismissed out of hand back then, but I’ve come to realise that she had a point. This because much of my writing was introspect in nature and I did have my difficulties. I have always called that ‘process writing’, which helps at the time, but much of that writing I have discarded when reading it again later. So much for my personal introspection today.

Writings: Cracking the shell of Human traditions:


~~I combine some written entries from my brown cahier that suggest humanity breaking out of the protective shell of our handed down traditions.~~

From my brown cahier ‘Clairefontaine’:
2017-01-02: 3:45pm.
#1. From yesterday: ‘The way to self discovery of destiny
#2, #3 and #4 follow, but do not relate here.
N.B. 6:20pm.
#1 [Comment] “Like a chick coming out of the egg - if it does not emerge it will die. If [it] seizes the opportunity it matures and lives.’

2017-01-03; 11:30pm, Tuesday.
The three cracks that open the shell:
1. Who was taking notes when god spoke?
2. Humans wrote, but oral tradition came first.
3. Humans had to learn to speak and remember 60kyago.

We now break out of this shell as we realise that we humans formed this message by ourselves as we were inspired …

Combining these three (3), we have a record of revealed and inspired writing and teaching received over the millennia, which forms the protective shell within which human[s] became conscious of their own understanding of their existence, formulated as a framework interacting with the rest of existence as they [humans] became aware and experienced it as divine of Existence Divine.

We now break out of this shell as we realise that we humans formed this message by ourselves as we were inspired in the various boundary experience[s] when we reached our limits of understanding over the millennia in the various traditions.

The traditions and handed down wisdoms formed this shell and we now emerge to continue from this heritage consciously aware of the very process still guided, but also composed by us to the best of our ability as mature independent human beings act in life as individuals in society.

_ _ _
Also: This process is a process of emergence as describes this in “Mind & Emergence”. Something new emerging from a previous state without being able to derive from it in a traceable way/ reductive way.
A bit like Trump’s emergence from the USA electoral process! :-)< 11:40pm.

Daily Entry: 2017-01-04

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