, Thursday. Overcast with about -10dC for the high, after today we going down again with minus 35 next week!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Social visits and webwork:


~~Visits with Juliet, Sarah and John and updating my website for 2017.~~

Yesterday I visited Juliet, but we did not write any thing on her story. Only one page left to round it off said Juliet. I did print off chapters 1 & 2, but the printer ink dispenser is acting up again. So, Juliet read those first chapters to me, but said she felt her story did not sound well. I found the whole introduction well done, so we’ll have to wait for a well printed copy next week. After dinner we chatted some more about politics. I did the few dishes we used and left around 7:15pm.

Later on lunch with John, while tomorrow Sarah comes by to pick up a stray mail still sent to her old address here. Later this aft I will make an attempt at setting up my website Daily Entry template files to reference the new year of 2017. This is always a bit tricky as I don’t do this very often.

Writings: Thinking about the shell model:


~~Yesterday’s shell metaphor promises to be fruitful.~~

Yesterday’s idea of looking at humanity’s traditions up to now as being a protective shell appeal to me as a fruitful metaphor or model if you like. I intend to explore this idea further in a manner that will be helpful in achieving ‘finding reconciliation of religions while maintaining their integrity’, as my personal affirmation goes.

A metaphor is no theory of course, but it has the function of a model as that is used in scientific analysis.

A metaphor is no theory of course, but it has the function of a model as that is used in scientific analysis. One fundamental aspect of a model is that it must be logically consistent with what we know and explain facts such as to reduce the number of alternatives. It must simplify in other words, as urged as in the Middle Age of Europe.
<10:58am, time for that lunch~

Daily Entry: 2017-01-05

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