Last night I made a few notes for my essay on a link between identity as defined in human traditions relating to Existence Divine, the national identity and its monarch as ordained from on high and sovereignty as such. The latter is being called into question because of the Syrian war and the UN being stymied in taking action, because of this now dated ‘national sovereignty’ concept.
Humanity are the chosen people and the planet is our promised land, therefore global humanity is sovereign and the nations’ sovereignty is subordinate to it.
My thought is that we should redefine ’sovereignty’ to make it suit today’s global requirements as follows. Humanity are the chosen people and the planet is our promised land, therefore global humanity is sovereign and the nations’ sovereignty is subordinate to it. This is the principle on which we can build to modify the limits of national sovereignty. This to prevent another half million people from being sacrificed on the altar of this outdated local sovereignty concept. This is the ‘when and where’ for humanity and the UN, to take charge and make the changes.
My musings of this morning took me back to the Thirty (30) year war in Europe (1618-1648) and the Eighty year war (1568-1648) in my old country Holland. These wars were about restructuring the old family cum dynasty based sovereignties with the newly forming National identities and the redrawing of related boundaries.
A similar restructuring is happening today on a global basis, but instead of recognising this process, working with and managing it, we as humanity in the form of the UN and our national interests try to resist this natural process. This resistance underlies the war and destruction process that we have witnessed in Iraq, followed by now Syria and in other places. I have said it before and say it again: We must act as responsible adults and manage the inevitable changes in our human society with a minimum of harm.
And in my thinking process this morning, I was also making some connections with the concepts in my essay “My Message” in which I address the global situation of our human traditions and religions. These also are confronting each other and I was struck by the similarity of these processes both involving identity, which also plays a central role in the ‘Brexit’ phenomenon and the political upheaval in the USA.
Such were my musings and they are now expressed, ready for assembly into my mentioned essay!