This morning I have a sense about the personal as individual within the mystery of Existence Divine. There has to be a personal aspect to the human within Existence Divine. It can not just be humanity and the totality of all that exist, without the human as person having an allotted place and relationship within this totality of existence. ‘What is the functionality and significance of the human being in existence?’; we may very well ask!
‘What is the functionality and significance of the human being in existence?’; we may very well ask!
That leads to my identifying what it is that we humans contribute, but this overlooks the need for a human to be personally related within Existence Divine.
The Old Testament book Genesis has a story about Abram meeting the three angels who come to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. That story illustrates the human, in the role of Abram, in a personal interaction with the divine. This is a crucial aspect to our human nature and must be given a place without which we would be a mere cipher in the mystery of existence.
Abram is the first prototype individual in the Old Testament as human actor in this interaction…
It is an essential part of our human nature that I as person, find confirmation of myself in this interaction within Existence Divine. This essential aspect of our nature is given pride of place in the mentioned Abram story recorded in Genesis. Abram is the first prototype individual in the Old Testament as human actor in this interaction with the encountered divine that comes upon him unannounced.
The question now is as to how to work this out in our modern setting! What is it in the human being that I need to recognise, such that my being connected within Existence Divine becomes a conscious and liveable reality?
As human I do need to relate as I exist, because my experience and interaction confirm my existence, not just my thinking.
The human individual as person needs to relate socially within the human community, illustrating that we humans exist in a process of interaction. Well then, if we are within Existence Divine in its totality of all that does exist, then how do I relate to that?
As human I do need to relate as I exist, because my experience and interaction confirm my existence, not just my thinking. How would we understand that relationship of interaction within Existence Divine as a participating participant?
Now, today, we humans and I as person, consciously aware beings have to compose a formulation for this, which is informed by our human heritage through stories like the one of Abram in Genesis and also for all the various human traditions as we know them.
This is a statement of aspiration and direction in which we need to search for a formulation of how I as human being relate to and within the ‘Knowable Mystery’ I call ‘Existence Divine’, which includes all there is.
<9:08am and 9:39am~