, Friday. Clear, sunny milder with plus 1dC forecast!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Winter camping and activities:


~~I recall my winter camping experience with scouts, enumerate this week’s activities and my printer plans.~~

Milder temps are here, though yesterday still felt cold at minus 12dC, but the sun helps now. I used to go out winter camping with my scouts on the weekend closest to Feb 10 in the years 1977-82. That always turned out a good date weather wise, with the sun up for two month from its solstice warming us nicely up in day time.

Later in Feb the snow would often go or be too slushy, while earlier it could be too cold to camp in tents in the snow. We camped at Moose Mountain, of the ‘Broke back mountain’ movie and its ice caves or near the Ribbon creek falls, close to the hostel.

I used to go out winter camping with my scouts on the weekend closest to Feb 10 in the years 1977-82.

Last Monday Jack and I had our monthly chat about our own affairs and those of society. He still has not sold the house, but has had to lower the price quite a bit, but done so too little too late to bring in the offers. On Tuesday I bought my monthly groceries, while I visited Juliet last Wednesday and Thursday to help edit her ‘My Story’. This morning at ten coffee with John at the Perk and later lunch with Shirley.

After that I plan to stop at London Drugs to take a serious look at a new printer, as my XP-410 is not printing the cyan anymore. They have one on sale for 50 bucks, which seems like a good deal. However, I won’t be able to use my old ink cartridges, so may just print the old ones dry in the XP-410 printer, before switching to the next printer.

Writings: Composition planning:


~~I explain my planned strategy in composing of ‘My Message’ in its different stages.~~

Over the last few days I have set up an outline for my essay using Word’s content table and header feature. My plan now is to first formulate and compose the narrative, then work out the supporting theology for it and intersperse both with historical and biographical ‘side-notes’, where appropriate. That plan feels do-able and now I’ll just have to do itJ! I’m wishing myself fortitude, good insights, endurance and patience; success in other words!

I’m wishing myself fortitude, good insights, endurance and patience; success in other words!

<8:55am and 9:12am~

Daily Entry: 2017-02-10

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