, Friday. Overcast, bright and about seasonal temps.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Lunch and talk theme:


~~Herman and I have a catch up lunch, I re-fund my phone and explore my talk theme for this year.~~

Big snow melt again yesterday with sun and plus 12dC! Not that warm today, but still nice.

A short daily entry yesterday and then on to lunch with my friend Herman. We were both early and walked in together, having arrived at the same time, I by bus and he by car, such coordination between friends! We had a lot to catch up on, but Herman did most of the talking. He related how his son came to live the life he does, which was quite interesting in the way he met his challenges. He very independent person I would say, hearing how he built his own house and fixed up a boat later at the coast, as a place to live!

On the way back I stopped at the 39th Ave SW 7-11 to put some more money on my phone and hopped back on the train. It was about 3:30pm before I got back home. Since I splurged with the lunch buffet, I had a light and cold supper, which simplifies the dishes! In the morn I’d also finished the last of the vacuuming, with now just the kitchen sink and cupboard doors to be done, either today or tomorrow.

Herman scheduled my Spring talk for June 11, for which I now have to come up with a title and description.

Herman scheduled my Spring talk for June 11, for which I now have to come up with a title and description. But, there is more to it than that, because I use the three remaining dates to address a theme from year to year. That makes four talks with a yearly theme.

Last night, giving this some thought, I decided on ‘Narrative', since I’m already quite busy with that and had been my intention all through last year. Namely, to formulate ‘my message’, which has now turned into ‘Narrative’. The June talk will focus on the roots of the Human narrative traditions with an extension to human our origins 60k years ago.

Later this morn coffee with John and possibly a visit with Juliet and a trip to London Drugs to decide on a new printer. <9:02am~

Daily Entry: 2017-02-17

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