, Monday. Cold with sun, long winter this!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Palliser visits and Culemborg:


~~Some thoughts on Herman’s talk, visits with friend and a this week’s picture.~~

Snow yesterday, while walking to the Palliser to hear Herman’s spiel titled “Why it Happened”, about the nature of existence. In this presentation Herman tried to prove that all things work out for the good. This is a view one can take, but to prove this is not really possible as good and evil are human categories of understanding our own conduct and world events.

However, it is always good to connect with friends on such get-togethers and that is what we did with the dozen of us. Thomas and Gabriella were of to a birthday celebration of her granddaughter, but Thomas was in much pain and will undergo an operation soon.

Ameland's scene is so like ‘Schier’s scenery, which holds many memories for me from my 2000 to 2003 visits there with a dear friend.

Today I have to turn the page on Tieneke’s desk calendar and I’m loath to say good bye to that scene of Ameland island. It is so like ‘Schier’s scenery, which holds many memories for me from my 2000 to 2003 visits there with dear Hiltje. The scene for this week is the ‘Culemborg’ bridge across the river Lek in The Netherlands.

Later today I plan to visit Juliet in order to speed up the editing of her story and maybe even conclude it this week. Time is pressing now that the story has been written, except for its epilogue. More visits planned for this week, as well.

Writings: Existence Divine and shared Narrative:


~~I formulate a ‘concise’ statement as the results of my deliberations this weekend.~~

Here is to follow a concise statement about what I worked out this past weekend regarding Existence Divine and our shared human Narrative, which joined each other towards the end of this process.

Existence Divine and a Shared Narrative - a Concise Statement:

Existence Divine is a knowable Mystery that includes all there is. Existence Divine becomes known to various groups of humanity at specific times, places and circumstances, when it is experienced as the Higher Power in its knowable aspect. Since its very beginning of human existence, this process gave rise to the many varied religions that are our human heritage today.

Humanity today has the opportunity to combine our known traditions with each other and add to them our modern findings.

It is a consequence of Existence Divine that it provides accommodation of this diversity, offering a setting for reconciliation. Humanity today has the opportunity to combine our known traditions with each other and add to them our modern findings.

This enables us today to develop a comprehensive Shared Narrative that respects and validates the contributions that have become our diverse heritage and formulate a forward perspective on our common future, with action to follow.
<9:43am and 10:14am with edits~

Daily Entry: 2017-02-27

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