, Monday. Cold, some snow and winter like, but bright!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Surprise coffee fridge and Palliser:


~~John and I meet for a 8+am coffee, I get a ‘new’ fridge on Sunday and do laundry today.~~

While cleaning up breakfast dishes I get a call from John leaving Erlton Station, asking whether I’m up for a coffee? Well, what a good start for the day; so of course I agreed to meet at the Perk. While he walked over, I rushed to get the first laundry load in, which I did.

I decided to look back just in case and … there I saw this tall guy, disguised in winter clothes, coming my way and waving!

Then, as I stepped onto the side walk I decided to look back just in case and … there I saw this tall guy, disguised in winter clothes, coming my way and waving! Such timing; we walked over to Purple Perk, where available seats were a plenty. John told me that Metta was quite busy with his consulting as a psychologist and was doing ok. John will soon start with field work downtown in his newly acquired field of computer security!

He starts around nine am, so we said goodbye. At home I prepared the second laundry load and arriving at the washing machine it had just one minute left to run! This kind of timing is hard to come by at the best of times, let alone when not even paying attention to the clocks! Next cycle switch over is at ten am.

Yesterday, coming home and wanting to make lunch, I noticed that the bread loaf felt warm, so did the fridge inside and upon opening the freezer I found the meat defrosted. Fortunately Peter, our traveling landlord was home and offered to bring over an other fridge from down the hall. I called him when I had cleaned out my defunct fridge.

By then I’d placed the milk, yogurt, margarine and butter in the opened window, recalling that old roomer technique from my Toronto days in the 1960-ties! I now have a nicely cleaned and close to brand new fridge, which is quite an improvement over the old hand-me-down, but fancy model I parted with. And all this with a big thank you to Peter for such quick action!

I made some notes, partly in order to look up the texts for myself and also to pass them on to Thomas.

At the Palliser for our Sunday New Thought meeting, I looked after the music for Thomas, who is still recovering from last Tuesday’s operation. had a poetic talk titled “Inspiration Now”, centering on six Old Testament Psalms as source and reference. I made some notes, partly in order to look up the texts for myself and also to pass them on to Thomas.

Together as a group I led - with Herman’s approval - in a short healing affirmation for Thomas. This I’ve never done before, but I kept feeling the urge to do so ever since having breakfast on Sunday. When such an idea keeps coming back to me, I always follow it up, overriding resistance that I may have.
9:59am time … and back at 10:31am. Last load switch due at 11am.

Writings: Sunday talk notes:


~~I transcribe last Sunday’s talk notes below.~~

Below I enter notes and references relating to last Sunday’s talk by Herman Aaftink titled: “Inspiration Now”, held at the Palliser in the Executive Suite as usual. This talk was on the 5th of March, not the 9th as the brochure shows.

“Inspiration Now” Talk notes.

Meditation is on Psalm 23.
Its theme was ‘The Continuity of Existence Divine’ as I call that.
Six talk points:
1. Nature expresses infinite Intelligence. Ps. 24:1.
2. Spiritual presence is every where. Ps. 139:7.
“Where would I go …”; similar to Plotinus.
3. We are eternal Spiritual beings. Ps. 139:8.
“If I’d lie down in the world of the dead …”
4. We are here to live happy lives with purpose. Ps. 65:4.
“We are chosen to live a happy life; I am chosen … to live …”

Psalm 23: 'I shall not fear, for thou art with me’

5. There is one Source of inner strength. Ps. 27: 1, 14.
Herman’s aged aunt referred him to: Ps 23:4, when he asked her what guided her during the tribulations and dangers of WW2
occupation in The Netherlands. 'I shall not fear, for thou art with me’
[This is a lived truth for those who believe.]
6. Meditation activates your intuition, making guidance
available. Ps. 147:5 & 134:17.
[In Boundary conditions]
[ Comments to myself.]
End of my notes.

Daily Entry: 2017-03-06

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