, Friday. Overcast and cool.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Resumed lunch and Everything under Heaven:


~~Herman and I resume our lunch and I pick up an in depth book on China.~~

My intent this morning is to finish my AutoBioSketch section in ‘My Apostolic View’. I am as far as the fall of 2004 and want to get to the present today!

Yesterday’s lunch with Herman was a welcome return to a pleasant fortnightly interlude. Herman is now enjoying the challenge of their move, whereas before he felt threatened by the uncertainty of it. Feather in his cap, I say.

The author’s grandfather admired the Chinese for their notion of superiority over non-Chinese or barbarians, which included the USA whites slaveholders to him.

After lunch Herm dropped me off at Heritage, where I took the #3 down to ShelfLifeBooks to pick up’s “Everything under Heaven”. This is a just published book on China by an expert of the culture and country, by a Black American.

The author’s grandfather admired the Chinese for their notion of superiority over non-Chinese or barbarians, which included the USA whites slaveholders to him.
This notion of superiority was practiced by people in Antiquity, as well as by the later West Europeans, not to reference the Muslims. This feeling of one’s own superiority is a human trait that is breaking us up at present and is in need of being reigned in.

Daily Entry: 2017-04-07

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