, Thursday. Overcast with rain overnight and cold.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Changing visits:


~~My weekly visits to Juliet are now completed, but plan a weekly family call instead and as well spend my energies onto the formulation of ‘My Apostolic View’.~~

No Juliet visit yesterday or even a call, because all that now seems to be behind me with the story of Juliet complete. Story completed, then the need for me to transcribe it to the computer has ended too. That is the message I get from Juliet’s change in behaviour, which has become unreasonable and aggressive even. No contact seems to be the best tactic. I did send Shahida, her editor, the requested reduced photo images of the parents. This will enable her to proceed with the editing of Juliet’s story.

I also decided not to visit Ken, partly because of the weather and the long walk from Center to 6th street NE. In addition I feel a notion rising in me that I am done with these kinds of visits and should concentrate on my own mission of formulating ‘My Apostolic View’. I have visits with Jack, Herman and my son John, as well as with Elisabeth, Shirley and Michelle at times, as well as Sarah and BJ!

My maternal Oma van den Bosch used to say: ‘Do what your hand finds doing’ and that I have made my practice over the years.

Yesterday my sister Els called informing me of some unwelcome news regarding her own health. Some tests came back positive, which is indicative of the need for further treatment. This will be come known in the next week or so, after a visit to the oncologist. I hope the best for her, but it will mean some changes in her life.

So, instead of local weekly visits, I will now make weekly calls to my sister and stay in touch with her more frequently. My maternal Oma van den Bosch used to say: ‘Do what your hand finds doing’ and that I have made my practice over the years.

Writings: Apostolic progress:


~~I plan to track and report here on the writing of ‘My Apostolic View’.~~

I will report here my progress in formulation ‘My Apostolic View’ with highlights, central and related ideas. At the moment I use the following headings as a guide for ideas that are being worked out at this time:
[Mystery;] 1.Diversity and Identity; 2.Continuous existence, Continuous consciousness; 3.Revelation as Experience; 4.Duality of Existence; 5.Fundamentals of consciousness.

For now this will be the form and focus in my efforts to formulate my view of my life at this ripe age of eighty!

At present I am working on #1, but have defined a ‘concept collection’ for each of the five sections. These sections together make up the chapter titled ‘My Structured View’. This in turn with ‘My AutoBioSketch’ and ‘My Bound Journey’ will make up the content of ‘My Apostolic View’.

For now this will be the form and focus in my efforts to formulate my view of my life at this ripe age of eighty! I wish myself good luck and forbearance in this important endeavour. :-)!

Daily Entry: 2017-04-27

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