, Wednesday. Cool, sunny with clouds.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Shopping drawing and activities:


~~On Tuesday monthly groceries combine with coffee and a late Left_Hand drawing. This is followed with my Spirituality Church visit report.~~

Yesterday it was grocery shopping day at Safeway where I spent over one hundred (100) $$. This is for the whole month except for the perishables that have to be replaced halfway through. In the morn I also had coffee with John, before lunch time.

This insight is a synoptic compact of this dedication I was looking for recently.

Later in the evening, I made a Left_Hand drawing in response to the insights of late Monday night and a related idea from Tuesday morning; see writings below. This insight is a synoptic compact of this dedication I was looking for recently. It captures - like that eagle of last Monday - the central concepts of my thinking, while framing it in a structure enabling action.

All that made me late last night, but I did wake up at 7:30am today, which is midrange of my targeted time span for this event! How is that?! Today’s weather looks nice and I may make a trip to see Ken in the NE-recovery center.

My visit with Thomas and Gabriella to the ‘Church of Spirituality’ turned out to be a lively event with about fifty people in attendance. I sat with Thomas, Marlene and Ester during the activities that were led by my friend Jack.

He and I had had a two our coffee in the afternoon where Jack asked most of the questions, handing the floor to me this time. We always have a fruitful, interesting conversation in an amicable way. I am tuned to abstract ideas, while Jack focuses on the human interaction and expression! This way we complement each other well, but it can also lead to some misunderstandings, which we have survived!

Writings: Forward guidance religiously:


~~Application of my old definition of religion enables me to combine many ideas, showing me a way to proceed forward.~~

Late Monday night I was able to align several of my central ideas by using my old concept about religion as I framed that back in ca 1986. This idea is as follows:

Re-structuring the past to create a perspective on the future enabling us to act in the present constitutes religion if it is practiced and a myth if it is not.

Re-structuring the past to create a perspective on the future enabling us to act in the present constitutes religion if it is practiced and a myth if it is not.

That insight emerged some time after my reading of ’s four (4) volumes on world mythologies. In those volumes I had looked for a structure that would be in common to all these myths. No such structure was revealed in the books, except that I concluded for myself that ‘myth structures’. Some time later the mentioned more elaborate formulation emerged as a new idea and insight.

As to my idea of last Monday night and yesterday morning, there I applied the above definition of religion to the thoughts and ideas that I have worked with over the last decade. Central to this new insight and application is that Existence Divine is the structure for our time. The ideas for perspective and action follow from there and I expressed that in the mentioned Left_Hand drawing, which is still not quite complete.

I plan to write a separate essay expanding on this insight with the title: “Forward Guidance for Humanity.”

Daily Entry: 2017-05-03

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