, Monday. Clear, cool and warmer today.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Breakfast visits and a new read:


~~Meeting plans, Lutheran breakfast and a new book on Canada.~~

Doing laundry with next load due in about thirty (30) minutes. No early coffees with John or late ones for that matter. He is in Orlando USA for a short week. Last Sunday I met with my Palliser friends again and expect to have lunch with Herman. This week is busy with visits, Rene tomorrow and Thursday with Don. On Friday and Wednesday I’m ‘off’ :-)!

This book traces Canada’s formation from its very beginnings to the present for the occasion of Canada’s sesquicentennial (150 years) celebration this year.

Last Thursday I picked up my new book “Canada’s Odyssey” by , an emeritus political scientist with deep roots. ‘Poly-Sci’ as we used to call that as students, paints a more engaging picture than a historic type treatment. This book traces Canada’s formation from its very beginnings to the present for the occasion of Canada’s sesquicentennial (150 years) celebration this year.

Saturday morning I joined the men’s group at Peace Lutheran at about nine am. I was delayed getting there since the train service was suspended between Chinook and Southland stations and I got on the wrong shuttle bus as well. But breakfast had just started when I arrived and I heard all of ’s entertaining presentation. Darrell told us about his time of growing up, family heritage, held convictions, all interspersed with anecdotes from his career as well known journalist. Well done Darrell and I might mention that he taught at SAIT in the 1970-ties in the Com-Arts department across from ours, but never met up. Time for load two!

Writings: The Sacred Secular duality:


~~I relate my insight that ‘the Sacred’ and ‘the Secular’ together describe the human situation and our existence.~~

This weekend I was preoccupied with the ideas of ‘the sacred’ and ‘the secular’ as antipodes you might say. These two concepts are essential, having a supplementing functionality in describing and understanding our existence as participants in the realm of humanity. The insight that kept me fascinated on these two concepts was that both are needed to understand the human situation, period.

As by synopsis here today I could say the following, combining yesterday’s insight with earlier concepts of mine, duly recorded at other times and places:

The secular represents the knowable part, whereas the sacred relates humans to the unknown.

Existence is a knowable mystery which I have called ‘Existence Divine’. The secular represents the knowable part, whereas the sacred relates humans to the unknown. Both the unknown and the known together make up the way we are conscious about our existence as humans in the totality of existence as we encounter this at any one time.

As humans - as homo sapiens - evolved, adapted and changed with time, that what was considered sacred and secular changed in accordance and both were and remain present continuously. This was really the essence of my insight in that we need both the sacred, the secular and their interaction to understand and describe our human situation in existence. To only use one of these two is to work with a distorted perspective on the human reality of existence.

I note here that my ‘Silk-road’ ‘paperblanks’ notebook is now full at page 166. I started my recording in this notebook on Saturday August 29, 2009 and dedicated it to ideas about ‘Existence Divine’.

I made quite a few related notes this weekend, which I plan to transcribe in the next few days. Along with this, I note here that my ‘Silk-road’ ‘paperblanks’ notebook is now full at page 166. I started my recording in this notebook on Saturday August 29, 2009 and dedicated it to ideas about ‘Existence Divine’. That concept itself I discovered as a revelation in the spring of 2006, while preparing for my talk titled “In Search of the Sacred"..

This weekend’s insight that the sacred and the secular form a duality describing the human situation feels to me as a fitting closure to the journey started with mentioned talk on the sacred back in 2006.
May that prove true.

Daily Entry: 2017-05-08

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