, Wednesday. Overcast, cool but seasonal temps.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Coffee plus and notes:


~~Relating my surprising visit with Rene and transcription of notes on the Sacred and Secular.~~

Yesterday’s visit to Rene at 10am turned out to be unexpected. He said to have expected me at 1-pm, which surprised me after the several calls we’d made. However, I chatted with Eve while Rene got ready. Next was the coffee with the almond croissant I’d brought.

Impressive I told him, but he would not elaborate on why he stopped his University Art school study in the third year!

Later Rene showed me his art work from the time he was in high school at twenty, ca 1979-81. Impressive I told him, but he would not elaborate on why he stopped his University Art school study in the third year! After this Rene showed me his self restored hand harp with its ten strings and on his citer he played a few songs that he used to play for late Marilyn.

Around 12-noon we said our good byes and I took the #1 at 12:13pm, which combined with the #3, got me home at 1-pm. This made for a four (4) hour trip and visit all in. A pleasant and surprising visit all told, even though it was too cold to have coffee in the yard!

Later in the evening I transcribed some notes from paper to the computer (Tosh) under the title ‘The Secular and the Sacred’ in the My Message folder. There is more to follow here from my ‘Silk-Road’ note book, with the Coptic binding. This note book is dedicated to notes on ‘Existence Divine’.

Writings: Men in the cauldron:


~~I combine Left_Hand drawings with current events and suggest combining the reconstituted sacred with modern ideologies as a guide for human conduct today.~~

This morning I intuit that I should take a look at, study and possibly use my Left_Hand drawing of ’Men’ in the cauldron. I sense that this relates to my current thinking about the Sacred and Secular. I made that series of about one hundred (100) drawings back in 1991, but never had any idea as to what to do with them or to even have a sense of purpose about them. So, may be now this will become more clear.

Relating to this sense is that the drawings of ‘Darkman’ and the ‘End of Capitalism’ have announced themselves in relation respectively to the 2008 crash and the current ISIS, refugee and cultural style problems in our human society. Also the ‘Speech Maker’ drawing has been present in my awareness for some time now.

I am starting to think that these drawing constitute a symbolic forecast from my unconscious back in 1991 that I can only now relate to, after so many years of experience and development. It will be interesting to see which way these twenty six (26) year old drawings will relate to what I am doing now, which is formulating ‘My Apostolic View’.

Modern ideologies are insufficient guides for human conduct and need reconstitution of the discarded sacred.

Later today I plan to pull together the notes on the Sacred & Secular and attempt to make a composition out of them. The thinkers of the Enlightenment and those of the ensuing Science type ideologies figured that the ‘Sacred Traditions’ were nothing but ‘wrong thinking’.

They claimed that humanity should no longer be held back by such ‘primitive’ concepts. Well, as we know from the destructive events of the 20th century that science and the Enlightenment by themselves are inadequate as guiding principles for humankind.

Today still we have the various other conflicts to remind us that humanity as a whole needs to reintroduce the sacred traditions that were summarily dismissed without even trying to understand their function and purpose. Don’t discard traditions which you don’t understand I remind myself.

Modern ideologies are insufficient guides for human conduct and need reconstitution of the discarded sacred.

Daily Entry: 2017-05-10

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