Yesterday this time I was on my way to have breakfast with retired colleagues. We had a good group of close to ten people and a lively conversation. Early in the aft John and I had a coffee. He was quite enthused about his trip to Orlando, where he took in several days of presentations on computer security.
'I am on a mission and live in The Mission District’ so I can’t get away from it:-)!
During the day and evening I was preoccupied with what I call my study of a religious view for our time. In it, I aim at incorporating handed down traditions and science based information. Sometimes such sessions of contemplation are fruitful, while at other time they can be unsatisfactory.
However, as I said this morning to myself: ‘I am on a mission and live in The Mission District’ so I can’t get away from it:-)!
Last Sunday’s attendance for Herman’s talk at the Palliser was two (2) hearers, to wit Leila and myself. So, I increased my contribution on an impulse which I know will help. Jack let me know that Vangie is recovering in from an operation and I gave Larry a call to see how he is doing.
Our group has varied health concerns as we age and I find in this, that old age has its own learning process reminding me of the time I grew up! Now I am learning to leave life, while back then I learned entering it! This confirms my view that all human experience is valid experience and though not all of it is welcome or pleasant, it can be quite revealing.
This completes my life philosophy lesson for the day. The sun is shining and inviting me for a walk and stroll. Walking also helps me in clearing up my thinking and I have made good use of that for decades. So, I may just head out right now and leave the writing for later.