, Tuesday. Sunny and morning coolness.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Catchup entry:


~~I fill in the gap in daily entries since my last one a week ago.~~

First entry in June I just noticed, but I have not been idle. Sunday eve I composed the outline for my ‘Roots’ essay and talk, titled “Humanity’s Deep Roots” in full. Yesterday I completed the draft text for the preamble and stage one (1) of the eight (8) stages, about seven hundred words all together so far.

This was an interesting exercise and made me recall several measures of self discipline I have used over the years.

Yesterday afternoon Jack and I met for coffee and explored the ways and means by which we can practice daily personal discipline regarding body weight management. This was an interesting exercise and made me recall several measures of self discipline I have used over the years. Reducing eats between meals, quitting smoking and managing coffee and alcoholic drinks. I never drink pop and eat fruit instead of drinking juice. Minimise processed food consumption, which for me is limited to milk and plain yogurt with fruit added.

Last week Friday I went to visit Ken, but he had been transferred and is now in the Lougheed hospital. Today is shopping day at Safeway’s and I plan to add two more stages to my ‘Roots’ essay draft. This precludes writing in writings below.

But, I will mention here that last night I discovered some relevant and insightful writing from the summer and fall of 2012 on the ‘My Belief’ talk ( Our Global Compass) that November 18. This I intend to revisit since some of my ideas then and there have now firmed up and can be used for my fall talk this year. I intend to give it the title “My Apostolic View”. More later and I’m closing for now.

Daily Entry: 2017-06-06

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