, Wednesday. Overcast and cool at Summer Solstice.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Solstice visits and webwork:


~~Summer begins, health visit, Canada's new colourful flag and webwork and I discover the value of roaming.~~

Summer Solstice was actually yesterday at 10:40pm, but nobody noticed! I have noted that the sunrise and set times shift around a bit for several days around solstice. Only after a while does the trend change become obvious, so the idea of the longest day is not all that well defined making that 10:40pm point in time more a calculated event than one observed.

Solstice or not, today is laundry day for me, but I don’t want to start before 8-am out of consideration for the tenant adjacent to the laundry cum furnace room. That 8-am rule was in force at my first apartment in 2003. It was run by a management company and I felt it to be a rule worth keeping.

On the way back from downtown I stopped by at Memorial library to read a few missed papers and had a chat with the attendant of the small ‘Reconciliation’ exhibit.

Yesterday I was busy with a 9-am medical appointment, a dental one at noon and some shopping at the Kanata novelty store. He sells the sesquicentennial national flag pins and small flags and as I discovered nice T-shirts as well. On the way back from downtown I stopped by at Memorial library to read a few missed papers and had a chat with the attendant of the small ‘Reconciliation’ exhibit. It was almost 2pm when I got home!

While out and about I noticed that this does me good, which I also noticed this past Monday when I was out having my colleaguel breakfast. I made an extra stop at the North Hill mall and noticed that same feeling of being free to do and go, roaming around. I have to loosen up about always being so goal driven, not allowing myself some freedoms and un-structured-ness in my life. Maybe that missing freedom makes me feel depressed at times; more over the summer is a good time to wander out and about, without always having to go somewhere!
Time to get started with the laundry! See I time lots of things in my life!
7:53am and back at 8:18, with the next load due in about 30 minutes.

Last week end and this week thus far I have spent much time working on my web site. I posted three audio files of talks since last November. In order to get just one audio presentation file properly posted I prepare about half a dozen related and interlinked files for navigating from home page to the specific talk in question. I also arrange for images that serve as the link button and edit the sound files to separate the presentation audio from the ‘community’ part which includes the announcements and the coffee conversations. In addition I had not done such an operation since last August, so I was rusty, slow and had to double back every now and then. But, I got it all done and now my three talks plus an essay are all there, accessible on “TonysThoughtShoppe.info” for the interested visitor. And for good measure I will leave a link here that will give access to my two talks of this year posted under the heading of ‘Group10’.

But, I got it all done and now my three talks plus an essay are all there, accessible on “TonysThoughtShoppe.info” for the interested visitor.

At the dentist office I learned that my dentist Ken will not be returning to his ‘station’ as that earlier stroke has resulted in a severe loss of his ability to talk and communicate, but has not affected his mobility. It is a sad reality for him, his family and also for his patients cum friends.
It is getting time for a laundry load switch, so I’ll get ready for that.

Tomorrow Don and I meet at Kingsland and sometime this week I intend to get my yearly Calgary transit pass, which has become very useful to me now that my car is gone.

Daily Entry: 2017-06-21

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