, Thursday. Solid overcast, some sprinkles, cool with wind.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Ice cream printer ink and visiting:


~~I made a daily entry yesterday morning while doing my laundry and in the aft visited with Elisabeth and stopped at London drugs, all walking forth and back again!~~

Yesterday morning it was sunny and maybe that woke me up early, while today’s lower light levels kept me asleep longer; that and maybe also because yesterday was quite intensive and my body needed more rest. Whatever it is, I am here and now, typing away at 9:28am with coffee on my mind!

But, we all know that and live with this blessing of technology coming at the price that is does.

Yesterday afternoon I walked to meet Elisabeth for an icecream at Marcus. It was windy but comfortable in the sun. We chatted with Elisabeth doing most of it, because I do not always talk about all my daily affairs. But, we have good meets all the same, because that is not just about talking.

I also stopped by at London drugs to get some printer ink. Expensive! The three colours are 20$$ each and the black is 30$$. So, 100$$ for a full set, which comes close to the price of the printer! But, we all know that and live with this blessing of technology coming at the price that is does. But, church blessing also have to be paid for, so it started a long time ago!
I had two insights this morning which I’ll report under ‘Writings’ below.

Writings: Two waking insights:


~~On awaking, I have two insights. The first relates to my talk and the second to my web site.~~

My first insight came while thinking about our human narrative. The last few days I’ve been making notes on this subject in my green this Hilroy note book. These notes relate to my up coming summer talk on August the 13th, titled “Humanity’s Unfolding”. In this talk I aim to add to our old human narratives by shifting the beginnings of these handed down narratives to the very time humans started to populate the planet. This is about sixty thousand (60 000) years ago and not just six thousand as the traditional narratives relate for the beginning of human culture.

‘Expanding Narrative‘, because we humans keep adding new finding all the time, from times beyond memory or narrative even!

So, this morning as I once more mulled over this extension to our human narrative the idea “expanding narrative” emerged into my aware thinking. ‘Expanding Narrative‘, because we humans keep adding new finding all the time, from times beyond memory or narrative even! We need to adopt the notion that our human narrative is expanding in nature, with new insights to be gained from such expansion, adding to the narratives we know already.

The other, more fleeting insight was about how to modify my website. First by explaining on the home page what the viewer will find in each of the offered seven categories. Second I could make that specific explanation an active link as well as having the menu bar link at the page’s top. Third, I could add a direct return link to the home page in each essay, talk, album, etc., so that the visitor would not need to retrace or remember hir click-history.
10:00am,this is it; coffee time has arrived!
And close at 10:44am~

Daily Entry: 2017-06-22

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