Today John woke me with a coffee call, which we had at P&P. He’d brought Annie’s drawing for her aunt Els for me to take over. Very nicely done in felt pen colours. John explained the significance of the various lines, such as the closed eye versus the open one, the creases under the eyes and the ever so tiny happy face.
He’d brought Annie’s drawing for her aunt Els for me to take over. Very nicely done in felt pen colours. Thanks Annie.
After coffee I ran a load of laundry and then had my delayed breakfast. As I write this, the load is in the drier and I have picked up my Globe, ready for reading. But, I first wanted to start on my entry, as otherwise it will not happen.
Yesterday I picked up my new passport, bought long pj-pant at Winner’s and had patio coffee at the Blue Vinny Diner, right opposite the Hudson Block, where the first Hudson Bay store operated, back when. Then I walked home, which was a challenge this time, because I had walked already form the Hays building and been on my feet shopping. It is in this roaming around that I start noticing my age; it is not just tiredness, but also muscle stress and dull pains. Ten years ago it was just tiredness, so I’m learning to listen to my body.
BJ picked me up in a yellow model A-Ford…
Later in the aft I made my way to Sarah and BJ’s for dinner. BJ picked me up in a model A-Ford that belongs to his father in law Ruedie who is here with his wife Sybil. At BJ’s home we had a very nice dinner on the deck, an exception in Calgary, but this summer so far is the warmest on record since keeping ca 1887, when Calgary began.
I’ll check the drier, it should be done by now at 10:40am.