I called my sister Els yesterday morning, but our conversation lasted only fifteen minutes, as Els has been busy this day with visits from son Peter and friend Jeltsje. She said she’d forgotten I would call, so we kept our conversation short, whereas we usually talked for an hour. Today also was my last day two weeks ago of my family visit in Holland and one week since my eighty-first birthday! While making breakfast this morning, I gave thanks for all I have and enjoy at my age today!
I awoke from an intense dream, which I feel a need to report this morning, but will do that below under “Writings”. On Friday I visited with Don as we met at the ‘Kingsland’ market. He’d brought me some fresh home grown tomatoes and potatoes. Thanks Don! Home grown produce is best. I shopped for some cherries, apples, prunes and purple beans, which turn green when cooked! Don gave me a ride home, which I much appreciate.
An old obligation of mine: To translate from Dutch into English the document that my Dad composed for all his grandchildren, being a statement of his faith and conviction.
On Saturday I did some sorting and finally acquitted myself of a long standing obligation. That is I translated from Dutch into English the document that my Dad composed for all his grandchildren, being a statement of his faith and conviction. It is date July 11, 1975 forty years after my parents married and was signed by both of them. This document is rolled up and resides inserted into the shaft of a copper key with a beard in the shape of the letter E, standing for “Evangelie” - gospel - or the Glad Tidings of the Christian message.
Doing this translation was quite moving to me, as it made me aware of the values and beliefs that sustained my parents for all those years and they felt to be of sufficient import to pass on to their Grandchildren. In his later years my Dad in particular felt a bit like a patriarch and acted like one too, my mother was more down to earth, but also knew the value of faith and belief. This notion was also passed on to me, but I reworked the traditions to fit my own times and I am still busy with that. A patriarch too? Maybe the apostle that I wanted to be at the age of ca ten!