, Monday. Cool, but sunny and clear. No rain yet.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Resilience dinner cleanup and visits:


~~Hanna speaks on ‘up-lifting’, Michelle treats me to dinner, I report on activities done and planned, including clearing out books!~~

Last days of August, which has been a fine month weather wise, but now we need some real moisture. Yesterday I walked to the Palliser where Hanna spoke for us. She presented a number of ‘uplifting stories’ which she had collected from the internet. That was quite neat and much appreciated by us all, though the attendance was eight all in. The story that sticks with me is about ‘Waldman’ I think it was. Having cerebral palsy he composed drawings using the upper case number symbols to type key by key many compositions over his 88 years long lifetime!

Jack gave me a ride home and we will meet later today, as we have not yet met for August, which for both of us has been quite a month. He lost his close brother and I made a last visit to my sister Els in Holland, who does not have long to live. She did call me Sunday morn as has been our habit, but we only talked for about fifteen minutes, but I’m thankful she did call.

After my snooze I found a few calls from Shirley waiting for me. She wanted to come over for supper and this we did. It has been years since she was over at all, let alone supper. We had an enjoyable meal as she had brought some fresh corn and straw berries, which along with my potatoes, meat, onions and tomatoes gave us a tasty meal. I think Shirley and I should do this more often, because we connect on many topics and enjoy each other’s company.

Friday evening Michelle and I met for dinner at the local ‘Sushi Kiwa’, which had its last day as such.

Friday evening Michelle and I met for dinner at the local ‘Sushi Kiwa’, which had its last day as such. With a small ceramic bottle with warm sake wine and two different combo plates we enjoyed ourselves as we conversed. At the end Michelle surprised me with making it her treat. Thanks Michelle; so generous of you! As we left I bought a Japanese leather cap as a mementos; it fits me snugly and won’t blow off!

On Friday too I picked up the book parcel that Okkie had sent me! It arrived in good shape and unwrapped it with Michelle present after we returned from our dinner. I just wanted to share this unique fairy tale book from which our late father would read on Saturday nights and Michelle values such family traditions like I do to.

This week looks like a busy one, starting with Jack and I this aft, coffee some time with John who is back as work. Then probably lunch with Herman on Thursday and coffee with Rene and lunch with Don on Friday!

And I am tempted to try my first letting go ‘book-trip’ this week. This I hope to make a part of my cleaning and letting go process as I do my sorting and cleaning up. I even did some of that last Saturday evening removing my Egypt books from their hide out and putting them on the dresser’s top for evaluation!

It is interesting to note for myself that this cleanup process is gathering momentum, which it has lacked for the many years that I made stabs at it as even my early Daily Entries around 2009 show when I write about attacking my ‘put-piles’!
Enough for now.<9:33am~

Daily Entry: 2017-08-28

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