My call with Els last Sunday was clear but short. She has had a visit of Tieneke and Jan’s three children, which she much appreciated. Consequently I texted my sons Els her phone number and the times to call. While Els and I talked, Jeltsje was with her preparing some soups, which is now my sister’s main meal.
Though her body has much weakened, her spirit and alertness remain present, though be it not as long or often. She is a courageous sister and will keep up appearances while able; my thoughts and sentiments are often with her, albeit that we’re separated by thousands of miles.
Last Sunday I went to listen to Herman - CLEC -, but Denise was absent - not feeling well - but we all know she needs to reduce her involvements in her daily life. Thomas was there to look after the music and I helped Garda with the books and pamphlet distribution.
Attendance was half a dozen, which has become the norm today. This contrasts with twenty five or more when I first started attending again in the summer of 2000, whereas in the nineteen eighties the attendance was almost two hundred at times! However, that is a generation ago in social interests and personal abilities!
Yesterday John called early for a coffee at the Perk; he was early, but had forgotten his keys. After this second cup for me, I finished my breakfast and changed out my first laundry load. Then I was off to do my first round of grocery shopping on discount Tuesday with a surprise 15&percent; off instead of the 10&percent;. Hence I splurged a bit on my second trip at around two pm.
I can take a hint and recognise it also! These books wanted to leave and at least get my attention.
In the evening I rearranged some books, but this resulted in a book shelf stud support shearing-off, releasing a shelf’s worth of books right into my arms. The physical world is urging me on to continue with letting go of as many books as I can manage! I can take a hint and recognise it also! These books wanted to leave and at least get my attention.
One of them did. It is tilted “Shaman & Pharaohs, Kopten & Ketters” by Edy De Munck, an interested and widely read layman in the field of human religions and culture. It is a Dutch book (1997) which I must have bought around 2000 or 2001 as it still has its price in ‘Florins’ - Dutch guilders that is. It’s subtitle translated reads: ‘Humanity’s changing self perception through the ages.’ Ambitious and with an agenda at times, but well considered and informative. I had never read in this book until last night and its theme is like my own today. That is: What are we humans doing here and are we engaged responsibly? So, this may be the intended outcome of the breaking bookshelf!