We will one more day of summer, before the temps go down to seasonal average with rain on Wednesday. Our summer has been a long stretch of sunny and warm weather, albeit with a shortage of rain. Later this morn coffee with Elisabeth who is back from a summer break in BC.
I told her that John and Annie had been over on Saturday for Annie to receive Els her card of the ‘Lazy day week’ poem, with its English translation.
Yesterday I called Els and we had a good conversation. I told her that John and Annie had been over on Saturday for Annie to receive Els her card of the ‘Lazy day week’ poem, with its English translation. Els has a soft spot for Annie as she is one of only two granddaughters in our family and she does not have one, while Tieneke does. Els told me that she is well looked after by friends, family and home services and now has an home roller to assist her around her condo.
After coming home from Herman’s talk at the Palliser I had an intuition. It said: ’Listen to the Spirit’.
After coming home from Herman’s talk at the Palliser I had an intuition. It said: ’Listen to the Spirit’. That is what I did by staying quiet and not letting thoughts and senses distract me from my being quietly attuned to my intuition. After some time a phrase emerged: “You are on the right path”. I let that be, keeping it in my attention, probing it for persistence. It stayed around, remaining with the quiet insistence that intuited knowledge does.
After some time a second awareness emerged “Act with/from commitment and dedication.” The ‘commitment and dedication’ felt familiar until I recalled that this is also the phrase I use in my more extensive morning affirmation. Later in the day a third phrase emerged saying: “No longer hold back!” This one surprised me, because is addresses my reluctance to speak from my convictions; this is what the ‘formulating my apostolic view’ is all about.
But I had misgivings about this last intuition as I know I can be abrupt and direct in expressing my views and opinions. This to the point that I turn people off if not worse. So, I responded to this intuition with my own sense for the need to be considerate. This morning I intuited: “Be considerate of others”. This felt like the closing intuition of what ‘the Spirit had to say.’
I have taught myself to do this by means of making an affirmation of such an experience, repeating that affirmation for some time at least …
From experience I know that to make this work and be a part of my daily life I need to affirm. I have taught myself to do this by means of making an affirmation of such an experience, repeating that affirmation for some time at least and sometimes doing my ‘Left_Hand’ art work with it. This is what I may do in this case and even make a wall hanging of it.
<9:02am, time to go for that coffee and 2017-09-12; 8:53am edited.