The rain started yesterday evening, gently but increasing in intensity and was still going when I went to bed. More is in the forecast and we need it too, as we have been without for about two months. I know the harvesting farmers don’t like rain right now, but the city and country plant kingdom needs the water.
Monday late afternoon Elisabeth stopped by as we had missed each other at the Beano at ten in the morning. There I took a fall as I tripped over a fastened dog leash that a woman had laid across the side walk as she sat on the window bench. I went flat out on the concrete, but only hurt my elbow some, which is still curing.
Elisabeth had many stories about her trip, so I invited her for a bite to eat at Aida’s to continue our conversation. This turned out well and we said our good bye’s at around eight pm.
Yesterday’s nudging was that I should use the bio- and sacred-graphies that I have outlined last week as a guide to present my ideas.
Yesterday I completed the entry of last Monday and this triggered a further intuition relating to last Sunday’s ‘the Spirit says’ intuition. Yesterday’s nudging was that I should use the bio- and sacred-graphies that I have outlined last week as a guide to present my ideas. This applies immediately to my upcoming fall talk in November titled “Some Wisdoms of My Own”.
I slowly formed the opinion that I should use the major markers of my spiritual development over my own life time as a guide to shape the needed narrative. These markers I had already identified as being youth, middle age and sage age, but had not as yet associated these with the four intuited pointers that I sensed last Sunday.
So, slowly but surely the pieces of the puzzle that are to make up my ‘Apostolic View’ are gathering and becoming aligned to form a narrative. A narrative based on a life time experience is a proven form of presentation to keep the reader or hearer engaged. It gives me the feeling that this is going to be a fruitful way to proceed.