, Wednesday. Overcast and cool at 5dC for the high.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Computer transport and birthday card:


~~John will take me and computer to the shop and I mail a belated birthday card for Shirley.~~

Yesterday John and I had coffee in the aft and told me that Tammy had arrived at her Irish abode. He is now ‘batching’ for the next little while. John said he was willing to drive me with my ‘deaf’ desktop to Memory Express, which we did in the late aft. It will take about a week before the diagnoses comes in, but from the early counter test is will probably mean replacement of the motherboard or processessor or both. That I priced at around 350$$ just in the parts. We’ll have to see. John dropped me off near Chinook station, from where I found my way home by train and foot.

Earlier in the aft I wrote - composed - my birthday message for Shirley and posted the card, along with my Shaw bill.

Earlier in the aft I wrote - composed - my birthday message for Shirley and posted the card, along with my Shaw bill. Today is Enmax’s turn, as is a bit of shopping at Safeway. My sister Els’ friend Jeltsje sent me an email that she is too busy to send me a more elaborate one! Maybe we can email more satisfactorily once she is at her place in Egypt again.
I think I’ll stop here for now and do my shopping.<9:15am.

Daily Entry: 2017-09-20

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