Back since the 20th of September! Since yesterday I have my new Certified Data computer (Certy for short) from London Drugs operating. John - on his birthday no less - helped me get it from the store yesterday aft. Thanks John, you’re a fine son and so practical too with advice and actions.
his is the first time since 2003 that I bought a pre-assembled computer. In November 2003 I assembled my own with John help and renewed motherboards, processors and twice since, with 2012 being the last such one called 'Tony_Built3'.
This is the first time since 2003 that I bought a pre-assembled computer. In November 2003 I assembled my own with John help and renewed motherboards, processors and twice since, with 2012 being the last such one called 'Tony_Built3'.
Interestingly enough, my new computer case also has a front blue light and USB ports, something I had selected back in 2003 with my trusty and lasting Antec case. Now I also have frontal access for the audio, which used to be at the rear and I am back to using my original PS2 type keyboard and USB mouse as their wireless companions are not operational right now.
John lend me his Solid State Drive (SSD) reader, which allows me to read my old main SSD drive as an auxiliary drive and copy over all the files to my new terra drive. Last night I transferred all the user files which took about 90 minutes. In addition I copied the Apache2 folder which contains my htdocs php files for my website. I still have to double check that I have all the unique user generated files that windows OS may not classify under that heading. Finally I need to find out why my new Certy is giving me the red eye glow on one of its front four card reader slots.