I made my ‘Daily Entry’ for yesterday, complete with a ‘Writings’ section. However, I met with frustration in the late evening, when I wanted to follow my standard procedures. The emailed version of the entry I could not save using the ‘save’ of my browser, because my new computer denied me access to the transferred web folder of the 2017 Daily Entries. I was forced to save the emailed file in the ‘Document’ folder, which I did. I will make a new subfolder in Documents and name it ‘Daily-Entries-2017-Aux’ and use it ‘till I have solved this access problem.
I experienced a similar problem when it came to saving the web marked up version of that same daily entry. ‘Certy’ my new computer from London drugs would not let me save to the regular destination, but forced me to ‘user’, which I reluctantly did.
It looks like the transferred files from my old computer ‘Tony_Built3’ are erroneously protected from low level access. I wonder whether Certy’s ‘Malwarebytes’ security software is being over defensive or clashes with Windows Defender. The wonders of new technology offer their own frustrations along with the improvements they facilitate. Are we ahead with this?It looks like the transferred files from my old computer ‘Tony_Built3’ are erroneously protected from low level access.
Last evening Jack picked me up for our planned visit to our friend Ken who had a stroke last spring and is now in an ‘assisted’ living facility near 162 Ave and 24-Street SW. A nephew Dave and his wife soon joined us as we struggled to make conversation with Ken. Ken has made progress in his speech-ability, but it remains very limited.
Towards the end of our visit Ken had an agitated argument with the receptionist about her refusal to make a phone call for Ken, Jack told me on the way home. Ken used to have is own office with receptionists when he practiced as dentist. He may have expected the same service from the house receptionist who has a different boss and other rules.
In the morning John and I had coffee. I informed him about my computer work of using his file transfer device and my utility software downloads. I did not yet know then of the problems I reported above, so more coffee will be required!
<8:33am edited.