Thanksgiving weekend is behind us and with the dinner and game at the hospitable Cook family and the good weather, all worked together to give that thanks. In the morning I visited with friends at the Palliser and walked back with a rest stop! Seventeenth Ave is getting paved around 1st street after many weeks of ground - pipes and stuff - and road work.
I give thanks to the books I donated and affirm they will be a blessing to the next owner.
Last Friday Rene drove me with fifty books to ‘Fair is Fair’ used books and we left with 40$$ and about 25 unwanted ones which were donated to Sally Ann’s gift bin. I was not happy parting with my dear books in that fashion and that inspired me to make a serious attempt at the eBay route. At Sally Ann’s I bought Rene a lady’s ‘flap’ hat which he liked and looks good on him. We then proceeded to his place for a coffee and a chat, after which he was so kind to drive me home.
As an after thought on my letting go of the mentioned books, I do give thanks for having had them in my possession and affirm a blessing that the donated ones will find a new and thankful owner!