, Monday. Clear with night and day frost, bright.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Birthday grieving poem and memories:


~~Save as is computer canon, Denise’s birthday and grieving our sister’s last weeks and my card and poem for her.~~

Save as’ is my first operation before I start my Daily Entry and as I used it this morning I think: “This is such an early and now old function from the early computer days. Many other expressions and their operations have gone, but ‘trusty Save As’ is still with us. Computer canon you might say!

The laundry is going and due in ten minutes, I’ve been out for paper and groceries and now I’m making my Daily Entry. I’m on a role you can say compared to other days of late.

Yesterday I met with friends at the Palliser. I’d brought a card to sign for Denise who had her birthday on the 22nd. I also had bought her some flowers as she always does such a yeoman or rather yeowoman job and we sang the usual song to boot! Good attendance of about 12 people for Herman’s talk on Halloween and the Reformation!

At 9:13am second load in and my weekend clothes hung away, back again at the keyboard, with the last load due in about thirty minutes.

Tieneke wanted to talk with me regarding our older sister Els, who she had visited just recently.

When I came back from the Palliser meeting yesterday I got a call from my younger sister Tieneke. She wanted to talk with me regarding our older sister Els, who she had visited just recently. We share our experiences and memories that way, now that Els will not live much longer. Tieneke informed me that Els is now registered in a local hospice. This is of course a big step as it confront you with your own death and in our case with that of our sister.

It was in April 2003 that Els her husband passed on, at which time I was in the Netherlands. Since then Els has lived for about fifteen years in her condo which has been a good time for her, but is now coming to such a definitive end. I stayed with her for six weeks in August and September of 2014 and of which I was expecting a repeat yet, at the time; but that is not to be. And so as Tieneke and I talked and shared, we made place for the experience of loosing our sister in the near future.

Not to be overlooked is that last Friday I composed a poem for my sister Els to accompany the ‘Eagle card’ I’d bought late September in the Glenbow gift shop. I talked to Els last Friday for about 15 minutes and that inspired me to so finally send that card complete with the poem. I will posted it here once Els has received that card.

Writings: Emerging formulation:


~~During this past week and weekend a narrative emerges framing a new perspective on our human existence.~~

This past weekend I was able to slowly assemble a story type version of our humanity coming face to face with our modern duty to formulate our future in a self responsible way. That is, we need to formulate our destination as a species combining our human traditions with the newly acquired knowledge and frame a perspective for ourselves.

This much has been more or less clear to me for some time, but I was prevented from working this out any further for fear of a hubristic formulation, like the one from the old Enlightenment movement a few centuries ago.

This new formulation acknowledges the handed down traditions and their processes as valid today as in the past and frames a way to combine that with modern knowledge.

This weekend though I found a formulation that transitions from the handed down to the newly acquired honouring both perspectives. [Laundry due, 9:44am and back at 10:25 after a coffee break.] This newly found formulation is not a philosophical or social argument, but a narrative. It acknowledges the handed down traditions and their processes as valid today as in the past and frames a way to combine that with modern knowledge. Taken together a perspective emerges that enables us to act going forward into a future that is referenced in our human beginnings.

Daily Entry: 2017-10-30

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