This morning I awoke at 6:30am, but could not catch more shut eye, so I remained alert and contemplated some; more to follow below. Once finished it was close to 8-am when I started my exercises, followed by a shave, wash-up, coffee and breakfast. All this brings me to the present!
Later on I plan to meet up with Rene at Good Earth at the Shumir Center, but I’ll have to see what the weather is like when I get out. Being out is good for the ‘spirit’ and the body, so I should make an effort.
Once home again, the red light still shines when the computer is turned off.
Yesterday John helped me with getting my ‘Certy’ computer to London Drugs to get the red light to turn off. We returned the packing box to retrieve ten $$ and I got credit for an unused ink cartridge belonging to my discarded Epson printer.
Once home again, the red light still shines when the computer is turned off. Only when I turn the back panel power switch to off, then the red light fades to off and stays off until I power up the computer with the frontal switch. I type this all out in order to be straight about what to tell Shan at the computer shop. So, another trip maybe required, but John is off to his retreat today, so I’ll have to be patient and concentrate on my talk for this Sunday.
I formulated my main talking points for my Sunday talk yesterday, complete with their elaboration and posted all this on my website. Now I need to shape this into a flowing presentation, with which I’ll begin today.