Yesterday I walked down to ShelfLife and browsed the store, which is over stocked, but always interesting. Next I crossed the street to meet Rene at around 11am, who was having a smoke outside Good Earth at Shumir. He was nicely made up as his she, which makes him feel good he told me when I asked him.
He had a Cd for me with his music and I gave him a copy of my Els-poem which he found beautiful. Our conversations drifts quite often toward the unlikely and con-spiritual, which I then steer away from towards mundane topics. Also at this café was my street friend ‘Joe the Nose’, having a rest from his constant walk abouts. He asked for some beer money, so I gave him a five.
The hues the author uses are earthy and not Annie’s first choice, but she is young and should explore.
After good byes to all, I crossed over to ShelfLife and bought a present for Annie called ‘Local Colour‘ about creating a colour palette . The hues the author uses are earthy and not Annie’s first choice, but she is young and should explore. Moreover the palette composition techniques should be transferable and there are not many books dealing with this topic, so I’ll see; we can always ‘google’ an alternative.