Five overseas cards are now mailed, each with a personal note. Three to late Els her children and one to Tieneke and Okkie each and one to my friend Helene. Jeltsje’s turn is today, as is the little parcel for Metta in Victoria. The cards to family were difficult as Els her funeral was only three weeks ago to day! Yet, it needed to be acknowledged considering that we whish each other well for Christmas and New Year’s. A double-double you might say, to borrow a phrase from our coffee parlance.
The cards to family were difficult as Els her funeral was only three weeks ago to day! Yet, …
At 12:30pm John was so kind to come and have coffee again, though he’s quite busy. He and Tammy are off to their yearly break in Banff with some long time friends. So smart to do that; Ina and I never planned such a thing, which is too bad in retrospect. Next week I’ll be visiting with Sarah and BJ’s for a seasonal hello.
This coming Sunday is volunteer appreciation day with the Calgary Life Enrichment Center (CLEC) at the Palliser. Yesterday, Thomas returned my call informing me about the medical challenges that have been keeping him away from our Sunday meets. Hopefully he can make it for this Sunday.