, Tuesday. Snow since noon and more to come; winter weather is here.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Christmas preparations:


~~Reporting on my various seasonal activities, including a haircut.~~

A late start today for the daily entry, but I have been up and about since 8am! Just in case you might think me lazy or somethingJ! My main task to day was to be quiet and listen, and in doing so I made several discoveries. The main one I will report on in the writings section.

Last Saturday I went for my second haircut at the Libyan barber, as Saturday was still quite nice weather, while on Sunday we had our volunteer Sunday for the Calgary Life Enrichment Centre at the Palliser.

Next I took the bus down to ShelfLifeBooks to buy a gift card for Annie and a few Christmas occasional items, supplemented with the unavoidable book.

Yesterday I did all my shopping for Christmas since I knew that the snow was coming. First was Safeway for regular groceries plus Christmas cake, nuts, oranges followed by a coffee with John. He and Tammy had had an enjoyable weekend at Banff with old friends, thought only halve the crew was there.

Next I took the bus down to ShelfLifeBooks to buy a gift card for Annie and a few Christmas occasional items, supplemented with the unavoidable book. This one is an anthropological history of animal and human interaction starting from 70k years ago, titled “The Intimate bond” by . Walking back I stopped at the Lindt store for chocolates of various denominations and then finally at the wine store for two bottled presents.

The book “Intimate Bond” covers early hunting, domestication and the use of animals singling out the most significant seven animal species, such as the donkey! I hope to get some insight on the author’s view of the Cathedral cave paintings such as those in Lascaux France.

Writings: Concept charts significance:


~~I describe discovering the significance of two words charts as concepts space definitions for my upcoming talks on ‘World Belief’.~~

I have two charts one large, one small, both containing words that signify concepts but without any descriptive text. However, the words are like a networked composition, intertwined making use of each other’s letters and special position in various colours. So, both charts are graphic compositions, maps of concepts as it were.

The big chart is from 2016-10-18 and the small one from 2017-05-02 both having had there place in my living area, but without my being able to give these charts any further significance beyond the fact that they remained important to me. That changed today.

Today I first sensed that the small chart was a conceptual definition and map of my ‘amalgam world belief’. The idea of this ‘amalgam world belief’ emerged for me some months ago, late October I’d guess. It came to me in the form of an imperative: ‘Formulate an amalgam World Belief that helps Humanity forward!’ This admonition, as it were has occupied me many weeks now and I have dedicated my four talks of 2018 to that theme. Yet, the actual content definition remained nebulous, but with today’s insight I realise that the small charts holds the central concepts of such a world belief.

The large chart I examined only today as I started to suspect that there would be a relation. Upon this examination it became clear that its concepts define or delimit the situation of humanity within existence as such. Both these concepts spaces as I have called earlier, are interconnected through the shared notion of ‘Existence Divine’, which has been explained at various locations. See my website essays [Topicals] and Talks on this concept.

Now that the significance and meaning of these charts have become clear to me, I want to further elaborate and investigate them as to their relevance of this ‘World Belief’ formulation that I now have under taken.

Now that the significance and meaning of these charts have become clear to me, I want to further elaborate and investigate them as to their relevance of this ‘World Belief’ formulation that I now have under taken. My first talk is titled “World Belief Origin” and aims to define a modern base for the handed down narratives and while preserving their integrity, give them new significance in our planet wide society by making use of recent investigations.

Starting on these four talks I will be working out what can be the contribution and significance of the two mentioned charts as concept space definitions. My first step will be to scan images of these two charts as illustrations for this writing to begin with.

Daily Entry: 2017-12-19

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