Yesterday morning we had about four inches of snow on the ground from an overnight storm. It was wading across the streets, but most of the sidewalks along Fourth were cleared by nine am. This was a big snowfall for Calgary for this short overnight time span. The skiers are happy, but not the commuters who had to put up with long delays.
Getting a taxi: Well that was a no go; I had to wait 15 minutes just to get to talk to a dispatcher.
For last night I’d been invited for dinner at Sarah and BJ’s and I tried to get a taxi instead of using the bus. Well that was a no go; I had to wait 15 minutes just to get to talk to a dispatcher. So I phoned Sarah to ask her to pick me up from the Centre Street and 23rd NE #3 bus stop. She would not hear of it and said she’d pick me up at around four thirty. Which she did! Talking about snow angles, Sarah is a traffic snow storm angle. Thanks a bunch. At four John texted that I had my ’dongle’ for the wireless key board and mouse from my replaced computer in September; now I need batteries for them.
Dinner was a very tasty stew made by Laddie, BJ’s Dad, complete with salad and a glass of wine and good company, which included entertainment by Alec and Soleil, as well as Louie the dog. Always a fine visit and a good connect and to top it all off BJ drove me home, chatted along the way.
Thanks guys and also for the treats.
Now is my turn to get ready for the family dinner and game at the Cook’s and a visit at my place for Second Christmas Tuesday. I am still not sure about a trip to Knox United for the Christmas eve service, but I’ll keep an eye on the weather, just in case. Maybe I’ll ask Elisabeth if she want to go as well. A few little items I still need to buy, but most of that is done. So, that makes it now time to go out and do that, along with an attempt to by the elusive paper Globe & Mail!