, Wednesday. Cold at -27dC, little wind and veiled sun.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Lazy start with productive outcome:


~~Early morning contemplations, much rest and a hunch give rise to a productive evening outcome.~~

Winter is here with a vengeance and plans on staying till New Year’s Eve. I was up late on account for some extensive morning contemplations, followed by a shower and shave! Hence, I had lunch for breakfast and then slept most of the afternoon! This eve I read a bit about hermeneutics on a hunch that this technique would be helpful to me in my formulation of a world belief.

Following up on this intuition I studied my Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, which confirmed my hunch.

Following up on this intuition I studied my Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, which confirmed my hunch. I than read deeper in “Denkgereedschap’ [Thought Tools] by Paul Wouters. Its chapter six titled ‘The Auger’ is dedicated to the application of ‘Hermeneutics’. Reading it the evening confirms that this will be a useful reference in formulating ‘an Amalgam World Belief’.

In the writings section below I will now record my thoughts of this morning and comment on the use I intend to make of ‘Hermeneutics’.

Writings: Contemplation and reduction:


~~Starting with my four talk titles for 2018, I first reword and then reduce them to three questions about human existence and close with hermeneutics.~~

The contemplation of this morning resulted in the following ideas:
A. The four presentation for this year will have the theme ‘World Belief’ having the following headers: World Belief Origins, - Constellation, - Application and - Expectation.
B. These four I reworded to something simpler and more appealing as follows: Beginnings, Gatherings, Practice and A-waitings.
C. To this I added that beginnings also defines identity and gatherings does concern community. Practice became the application of the preceding two, while the last one outlines where we want to go as humanity.
D. But, I was still not done and observed that the four could be collapsed into identity for the first two and change for the last two, with the following condensation. We are talking about ‘What is it?” with identity and gathering and about “How does it change?”, with the application and expectations.

This in turn raises the question of ethics, because some change has been proven detrimental in the history of Humanity. And it is the uniqueness of humanity to have invented ‘ethics’ at high cost at times through practical experience.

‘How to give new meaning to the handed down symbols by expanding them using modern findings and yet preserve their integrity and functionality?’

So in summary we can ask these three questions about our existence: “What is our/my identity?”, “How do we/I change?” and “How do I/we act ethically?”. This formed the final outcome of my morning contemplation.

This afternoon after reading and thinking about the applicability of hermeneutics I put the challenge to myself this way: ‘How to give new meaning to the handed down symbols by expanding them using modern findings and yet preserve their integrity and functionality?’
<8:53pm 9:05pm with edit~

Daily Entry: 2017-12-27

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