Winter is here with a vengeance and plans on staying till New Year’s Eve. I was up late on account for some extensive morning contemplations, followed by a shower and shave! Hence, I had lunch for breakfast and then slept most of the afternoon! This eve I read a bit about hermeneutics on a hunch that this technique would be helpful to me in my formulation of a world belief.
Following up on this intuition I studied my Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, which confirmed my hunch.
Following up on this intuition I studied my Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, which confirmed my hunch. I than read deeper in “Denkgereedschap’ [Thought Tools] by Paul Wouters. Its chapter six titled ‘The Auger’ is dedicated to the application of ‘Hermeneutics’. Reading it the evening confirms that this will be a useful reference in formulating ‘an Amalgam World Belief’.
In the writings section below I will now record my thoughts of this morning and comment on the use I intend to make of ‘Hermeneutics’.